Unified's Portal will include the option of being directly link to a provider with pricing information avaialble. The user will be able to see the various scores for each patent and decide if that patent is worth renewing or not. The user then can press the "Renew" button, as seen below, to view the various vendors and payments options.
Becoming A Vendor
In order to become a vendor, please first email info@unifiedpatents.com. Once, this step is completed our team will be in contact to setup the username and password to access the API for annuity payments. In addition, we will need to know the link to the various patents and whether it can be generated automatically. Finally, we will need a 32x32 png icon/logo to be able to advertise the services request. If you have any questions regarding this process, or wish to become a vendor on Unified Portal, please contact us at info@unifiedpatents.com.
Submitting Prices
Once you get the username, password and the base64 token from our team, you can start using our API. To get yourself familiar with our APIs, please try out our interactive documentation at https://api.unifiedpatents.com/documentation.
To submit prices, you need to make POST request to `/annuity` endpoint, passing `Authorization: Basic <base64 token>` header.
The payload must be a JSON object containing the field `docs`, and `docs` is an array of price objects. Each price object must follow the schema as below:
- ucid (required, unique publication number in DOCDB format, like `{country}-{number}-{kind_code}`)
- p (required, price integer in US dollar)
- y (required, number of annuity years)
- lapd (optional, last_acceptable_payment_date)
- vl (optional, link to your site, it’s not needed if you have send us a template to auto-generate URLs)
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